Research to Policy – Resilience Study in Turkana County, Kenya

By Prof. Stephen Rwigi Small Research Project: Assessing Resilience of Drylands Communities to Shocks Associated with Rainfall Extremes Under Changing Climate and Landuse Conditions:  Case of Turkana County, Kenya Introduction Our approach was based on inclusion and involvement of the key stakeholders in the whole research process. The stakeholders included …

MMUST Benchmarking visit to University of Pretoria

By Dr Julie Reeves From 14th to 19th February 2022, a high level delegation from the Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) travelled to South Africa and were hosted by the University of Pretoria (UP) for a benchmarking event. The visit was proposed by BRECcIA Co-I, Mr Kaleb …

West Pokot Pastoralist Recent Climate Change adaptation strategies: Livestock Migration

By Dr. Namenya Daniel Naburi  BRECcIA Post Doc and Joseph Lolentum) August 2021 Climate change shocks has exposed pastoralists to loss of livelihood and infringement of children rights. Children are the main source of family labour during drought period such as the one experienced from May – October 2021. Many …

West Pokot Pastoralist Recent Climate Change adaptation strategies: Camel Rearing

By Dr. Namenya Daniel Naburi  BRECcIA Post Doc and Joseph Lolentum) August 2021 Camel rearing has become one of the most preferred adaptive strategies among the pastoralist community in West Pokot, this is after realizing that other livestock such as cattle and sheep are more vulnerable to climate change shocks …

More boreholes, less yield and more saline water

Joy Obando and Moses Muriuki The drylands support sparse settlements and agro-pastoralism which are the key factors that influence water development. In these environments, water is considered limited and intermittent. However, with the need to solve the challenges of water in these dryland environments, there is a tendency towards technical …

BRECcIA Summer School policy session 2020 – Nairobi, Kenya

By Fiona Ngarachu BRECcIA’s Kenya team organised virtual and face to face sessions under the BRECcIA 2020 hybrid policy summer school, as did our Malawian and Ghanaian counterparts. The Kenya summer school was organised with both face to face and virtual sessions, with virtual sessions covering issues around writing policy …

Developing participatory research skills in a dryland ecological restoration context:

Reflections from workshop participants and co-facilitators By Matt Kandel1, Nancy Kadenyi2, Janet Musyoka3, Fiona Ngarachu4 and Vallary Mutave5Ngila 1 Research Fellow in Environmental Anthropology, University of Southampton, 2 Environmental Project Associate, MetaMeta Research’,3 MSc student in Geography, Kenyatta University, 4 MSc student in Geography, Kenyatta University, 5Research Fellow, Kenyatta University From 16th-20thOctober Matt Kandel …

Building participatory research skills in northern Ghana: A field school approach

By Genevieve Agaba and Matt Kandel BRECcIA researchers from the University of Southampton and the University of Ghana recently held a participatory research skills training workshop for the benefit of early career researchers and development/agricultural extension staff in the Upper East Region of northern Ghana.  The workshop took place over a four-day …