BRECcIA participates in the first SADC-WaterNet virtual symposium, was it of value?

By Catherine Kerapetse The impacts of the Covid_19 pandemic has without reasonable doubt affected the long-standing traditional ways of human interactions – who could have ever thought! Physical interactions were no longer permitted, forcing work to move to electronic and digital platforms, thus deeming remote working the new norm. Although …

How can virtual tools support a team of international researchers amid the Covid-19 pandemic?

The 2019 Covid-19 pandemic is forcing humanity to develop adaptive measures for communicating, and virtual platforms have become the standard mode for personal and professional communication globally. This has been the case for a team of 60 international researchers, from Europe and Africa, collaborating on the interdisciplinary project BRECcIA addressing …

Adapting amidst a pandemic while still striving to achieve BRECcIA’s objectives

By Matt Kandel Just as each country seems to adopt different Covid-19 responses, researchers are also developing individually-tailored, adaptive approaches to lockdowns (or no lockdowns). My colleague recently wrote about how one adaptation for him was adjusting his expectations of in-person meetings with all his new colleagues at our March …

Tales of the unexpected: How to (hastily) design & deliver a two-week virtual workshop

The Coronavirus outbreak has changed everything and whilst we are rapidly rethinking our working arrangements and research approaches, the question arises: Can we move to online working for research, that is hold meetings, conduct research related activities and carry out training, and still be effective?  The GCRF BRECcIA project’s answer …

COVID-19 lockdown experience

Sebastian Reichel  Equipment Rescue        As a project newbie excited to meet the extended BRECcIA team at our March workshop, it was a pleasure to meet everyone even if only virtually. Of course, I appreciated that nobody wanted to fall ill nor become stranded due to travel restrictions. The rapid …