Network Mapper

The Network Mapper tool enables individuals, teams, leaders, and managers to capture, monitor, and analyse the extent and reach of relationships within their research teams and beyond.


A great tool for visualising inclusive practice, as well as tracking knowledge exchange and public engagement with research.

What is the Network Mapper?

The BRECcIA Network Mapper is a web app designed to track and quantify personnel networks & relationships – primarily developed for use in research projects. It is designed for global use across many different organisations involved in a single project, and has been utilised as part of BRECcIA itself.



It can be deployed by individuals or organisations, and also allows users to log in with Google and Microsoft.



This work was funded through the “Building REsearch Capacity for sustainable water and food security In drylands of sub-saharan Africa” (BRECcIA) project which is supported by UK Research and Innovation as part of the Global Challenges Research Fund, grant number NE/P021093/1

How do I use it?

The Network Mapper has been built as a docker image. If you’re not sure what that is, that’s fine! There are more details in the documentation.

Want to get started?

View on GitHub

View the latest version of the Mapper Tool from the GitHub link here:

Read the Documentation

Read the BRECCIA Network Mapper documentation for guidance using the Mapper here:

View on Zenodo

View the latest version of the Mapper Tool on Zenodohere: