Bridging the Gap between Science and Policy

By Eunice Shame Kafwamba Bridging the gap between science and policy has been one of the activities LEAD has achieved under the BRECcIA project through research dissemination workshops and the media. These have provided interface among community, local level staff and high level policy makers. Minister of Agriculture takes up …

Protecting Cropland in Malawi

By Chengxiu Li  Cropland expansion has become a common strategy for boosting agricultural production in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). However, cropland expansion is not a sustainable form of agricultural development due to the environmental concerns it raises and the limited arable land available. We do not have a comprehensive understanding of …

Analysis of gaps between policy-makers and community stakeholders…

Analysis of gaps between policy-makers and community stakeholders in building climate change resilience in dry lands of Malawi: why do interventions fail? Considering the demand for research information to guide climate change resilience policies, BRECCIA researchers are investigating gaps that exist between policy-makers and community stakeholders on building climate change …

Understanding magnitude and variability of yield gaps in smallholder farming systems of sub-Saharan Africa

Driven by the need to improve food security in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), BRECcIA researchers are undertaking research to model crop yield and yield gap of maize in SSA and to further understand drivers of productivity gap under different socio-economic and biophysical environment contexts. Understanding the drivers of poor productivity will …

First BRECcIA Summer School

BRECcIA held its first Summer School in July in two villages in Malawi – Chinsamba and Chankhuntha – both close to Malawi’s capital, Lilongwe. It brought together early career researchers (mainly PhD students and post-docs) from the wide range of disciplines and institutions within BRECcIA to provide experiential interdisciplinary training on …

Summer School

Henry Hunga The preparations towards the first Summer School started way back in January 2019. I had just joined the BRECcIA project team in Malawi and was still grasping the detail. This was like getting back into research after a considerable time in extension and outreach. Ideas kept floating on …

Working together is a way to enhance community resilience

– Lessons learned from BRECcIA Summer School in Malawi Chengxiu Li, University of Southampton When the plane landed in Lilongwe airport at 12:20 on 7th July 2019, I was very excited but also nervous on my summer school journey organised by project BRECcIA from the University of Southampton and the …